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Analog: Science Fiction / Science Fact - January 1968


Includes Dragonrider by Anne McCaffrey and stories and articles John W. Campbell, by RC FitzPatrick, Leigh Richmond, and Ben Bova, with art by Kelly Freas and John Schoenherr. A good printing of this great science fiction magazine.

Analog: Science Fiction / Science Fact - January 1968

  • First printing


    Condition: Good, edge and corner wear, nicks and tears at spine and edges, light soiling on white area of rear cover. Slight yellowing of interior pages due to age. A well read magazine.


    Publishing Info: Conde Nast, New York, 1968

    ISBN: n/a


    Edited by John W. Campbell


    Includes Dragonrider (Conclusion) by Anne McCaffrey; There is a Tide by R. C. FitzPatrick & Leigh Richmond; Such Stuff as Dreams by Sterling E. Lanier; ...And Cauldron Bubble! by Bruce Daniels; The System by Ben Bova.

    Science Fact: The Bugs That Live at -423 degrees by Joseph Green and Fuller C. Jones; Readers' Departments: The Editor's Page: Gadgeteer vs. Scientist by John W. Campbell; In Times to Come; The Analytical Laboratory; The Reference Library by P. Schuyler Miller, Brass Tacks. Illustrations by John Schoenherr and Kelly Freas.


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