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Black Ballerinas: My Journey To Our Legacy by Misty Copeland


From New York Times bestselling and award-winning author and American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Misty Copeland comes an illustrated nonfiction collection celebrating dancers of color who have influenced her on and off the stage.

Black Ballerinas: My Journey To Our Legacy by Misty Copeland

  • Title: Black Ballerinas: My Journey To Our Legacy

    Format: Hardcover

    Condition: New

    Product dimensions: 64 pages, 12 X 9 X 0.5 in

    Publishing Info: Aladdin, 2021

    Language: English

    ISBN - 13: 9781534474246


    Illustrator Salena Barnes


    From New York Times bestselling and award-winning author and American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Misty Copeland comes an illustrated nonfiction collection celebrating dancers of color who have influenced her on and off the stage.

    As a young girl living in a motel with her mother and her five siblings, Misty Copeland didn’t have a lot of exposure to ballet or prominent dancers. She was sixteen when she saw a black ballerina on a magazine cover for the first time. The experience emboldened Misty and told her that she wasn’t alone—and her dream wasn’t impossible.

    In the years since, Misty has only learned more about the trailblazing women who made her own success possible by pushing back against repression and racism with their talent and tenacity. Misty brings these women’s stories to a new generation of readers and gives them the recognition they deserve.

    With an introduction from Misty about the legacy these women have had on dance and on her career itself, this book delves into the lives and careers of women of color who fundamentally changed the landscape of American ballet from the early 20th century to today.


    About the Authors:

    Misty Copeland didn't take up ballet until age 13, but by age 17, she was a professional. She was appointed ABT soloist at age 24, their first African American soloist in two decades. Driven by her newfound passion for the art, which she discovered at her local Boys & Girls Club, Misty accomplished so much in such a short amount of time through good old-fashioned hard work, discipline and unwavering belief in herself.


    Salena Barnes is a Berlin-based 2-D artist. She creates illustrations, characters, and art assets in the fields of entertainment, lifestyle, and culture.

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