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Everything I Need to Know About Being a Manager, I Learned from My Kids by Ian Durston


In this unique look at the modern workplace, Ian Durston uses his experiences from raising three children to shed light on the perennial challenges of management. A witty and wise book for managers and parents alike, this is a salient reminder of the life skills needed to succeed both at work and at home.

Everything I Need to Know About Being a Manager, I Learned from My Kids

  • Format: Paperback

    Condition: Near fine, very light edge wear, price striker on rear cover.

    Product dimensions: n/a

    Publishing Info: Piatkus Books, London, 2007

    Language: English

    ISBN - 13: 9780749927615


    In this unique look at the modern workplace, Ian Durston uses his experiences from raising three children to shed light on the perennial challenges of management. Issues such as leadership, motivation, performance, team building, and change are explored and tips are provided on excelling in each category. Getting his son to sleep while on vacation becomes a lesson in flexibility on the job; dealing with tantrums at home provides insight into the role of assertiveness at work; and watching his youngest begin to walk is used as an example of the trial-and-error method and the importance of failure as a learning tool. A witty and wise book for managers and parents alike, this is a salient reminder of the life skills needed to succeed both at work and at home.


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