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Peace by Gene Wolfe


Peace is a spellbinding, brilliant tour de force of the imagination. The melancholy memoir of Alden Dennis Weer, an embittered old man living out his last days in a small midwestern town, the novel reveals a miraculous dimension as the narrative unfolds. Wolfe's finest novel.

Peace by Gene Wolfe

  • First trade paperback printing of the second edition


    Condition: Near fine, very light edge wear and nicks at spine ends.


    Publishing Info: Orb Books, New York, 2012

    ISBN: 9780765334565


    Peace is a spellbinding, brilliant tour de force of the imagination. The melancholy memoir of Alden Dennis Weer, an embittered old man living out his last days in a small midwestern town, the novel reveals a miraculous dimension as the narrative unfolds. For Weer's imagination has the power to obliterate time and reshape reality, transcending even death itself. Powerful, moving, and uncompromisingly honest, Peace ranks alongside the finest literary works of our time.


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