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Summer Morning, Summer Night by Ray Bradbury


Green Town, Illinois stands at the heart of Bradbury Country. A loving re-imagining of his Waukegan, it has served as the setting for modern classics Dandelion Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes. Return to the town in Summer Morning, Summer Night.

Summer Morning, Summer Night by Ray Bradbury

  • First edition; Softcover edition.


    Condition: Fine copy, unread. Softcover. More pictures available upon request.


    Publishing Info: Subterranean Press/Far Territories, Burton MI, 2010

    ISBN: 9781596063068


    Illustrated by Vincent Chong


    Green Town, Illinois stands at the very heart of Ray Bradbury Country. A lovingly re-imagined version of the author's native Waukegan, it has served as the setting for such modern classics as Dandelion Wine, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and Farewell Summer. In Summer Morning, Summer Night, Bradbury returns to this signature locale with a generous new collection of twenty-seven stories and vignettes, seventeen of which have never been published before. Together, they illuminate some of Green Town's previously hidden corners, and reaffirm Bradbury's position as the undisputed master of a unique fictional universe.

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