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160 items found for "camus"
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- The Book of Searching, or A bunch of quotes that may make you think about why we travel!
it (travel) as a spiritual journey...It brings us back to ourselves" Notebooks 1935-1951 By Albert Camus Camus' dourness mars the larger quote from which I've taken this but he seems to be saying that there
- Top 4 Books About Disease
and note that these are books I've actually read so that's why there are 4): 1: The Plague by Albert Camus Camus' spare style might have understated the situation but actually makes the novel thicken with tension
- I really am reading these books!
So as a sort of dark humour, funny only to myself type thing, I started reading Albert Camus' The Plague , but I like to think he had smaller, more personal themes in mind...or at least these other themes came
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