Search Results
5 items found for "gaines"
- Top 7 books on Cooperation and Teamwork
Gretchen Anderson In this practical book, Gretchen Anderson shows how to generate ideas with others while gaining
- The Book of Searching, or A bunch of quotes that may make you think about why we travel!
bunch of quotes on travel that will hopefully inspire folks to get back out there, experience the world again I had everything (anyone) could desire...I knew too that I might never have it again."
- The top 8, most interesting Libraries in the world
Nothing beats your local library (so please support them) but as travel opens up again, here is a totally The New York Public Library, New York, NY, USA The main branch on Fifth Avenue boasts a lovely marble
- NY Times Monthly Bestsellers in Business Books (April 2021)
Again, I am not sure all of these are what one might consider business books but a mixture of self-help Note we don't carry this book at the moment but can special order for anyone interested. 3: Empire of Pain
- Top 7 travel books to read while you can’t travel
Written about Elliot’s two journeys to Afghanistan 10 years apart (during the Russians adventure and then again